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Sep 29, 2020

Does God defy natural physics?  It depends on a multitude of factors I suppose...but regardless, we have a story for you today that’ll get your supernatural guns a-blazing!

When a young man and his girlfriend are held up at gunpoint and the gun fires, it’s up to you to decide whether God intervened.  

It’s a first...

Sep 15, 2020

All of our nation’s controversial topics mashed up into one miraculous conversation!

We're giving you a smorgasbord of hot buttons and trigger moments, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. When we learned there were rioters in Portland burning Bibles, Nick asked the question, “why?” on social media. 


Sep 2, 2020

So an Atheist, a Muslim, and a pair of Christians walk into a....

(you’ll have to listen for the punchline)

Regardless, in this day and age, having meaningful conversations in a respectful way is not only necessary but I’d go so far as to say, it’s mandatory.  That is, if the overall objective is the well being...